Monday, 4 August 2014

My handmade wedding dress

Despite my nerves and anxieties I got a bit giddy with excitement yesterday when my handmade dress was finally finished.

It was the first time I had seen it complete.

It was better than I imagined and remembered.

The lace is beautiful, it looks so elegant, so expensive (when really it was a bargain at £210 for material and having it made)!

It fits like a glove, far removed from the dress I had originally bought. The one I had bought because I didn't think there was any other option.

So although my original idea came from this dress, the one I have now is so, so much nicer.

It is beautiful and I can't wait to show everyone it. Not even my Mum has seen it yet as she has been busy any time my dress maker could make it over to mine.

I even have a small train-one thing I said I wouldn't have!!

I love it, and it's the only thing that's truly given me a real bubble of excitement in this whole wedding fiasco!

I can't wait to post a photo of it here afterwards!


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