Monday, 2 December 2013

The pitter patter of tiny feet

No, no, no I am not expecting another baby before you all jump to conclusions ;)

My not so little any more boy took his first proper steps a couple of weeks ago!

He's been taking 2-4 steps between objects or us for the past few weeks which has been very exciting to watch and be part of.

But the Thursday after Alex's birthday I was sat in my parent's extension at the dining table making one of Alex's birthday LEGO sets, chatting away to him and my brother, when all of a sudden I heard the patter of tiny feet on the tiled floor.

There stood a wobbly little boy smiling from ear to ear at his new achievement, and what a big one it was, he walked a couple of metres all by himself, all without encouragement.

A proud Mummy moment.

I have been trying to capture it on camera a bit, but with no great results as he does it only on his terms/it's quite hard to manage a wobbly walker and a camera!

In the past week and a half he has been walking for longer distances, and gaining more confidence, his walker has become his new favourite toy as he can race along with it now. In fact coffee tables, fold up steps and car garages have become walkers too. It's cute cute to see his little face full of excitement, literally beaming at us!


  1. Such a fabulous moment! My son went from strength to strength just after his birthday, too, and it is lovely to see how proud they are of themselves :) #MagicMoments

    1. Oh it was my eldest's birthday, Sam will be 1 next week, it is amazing to see how proud they are :)

  2. Aww yay!!! Well done!!! A real #MagicMoment! xx

    1. Definitely, when did our babies get so grown up!? xx

  3. awww what an amazing milestone!

    thank you for linking up with #MagicMoments x

    1. Been good to have something worth linking up again-I must try more often!! x

  4. So cute! And he looks so pleased with himself ! Lovely moment. Thank you for sharing. xx


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