Monday, 21 January 2013

What a whopper!

Samuel had is 6 week check today (where has that time gone?), and I was quite excited to get him weighed and measured as haven't had it done since the last midwife check up. The last week or two he has noticeably had a spurt, with his tiny feet pushing against the feet of his newborn and up to month babygrows and his skinny little legs getting the lovely puppy fat rolls that can only ever look cute on babies. 

The last time he was weighed he was 8lb 2oz, I had in my mind he would be about 10 1/2lbs, I got a bit of a shock when she said he weighed 12lb 3 1/2oz!! She also measured his length which was 57.5cm so said he was tall as average is 54cm. No wonder I had to put loads of his clothes away!

I had a little look to compare Samuel's weight against Alex's at the same age, he's a whole 2lbs ahead and 3.5cm longer...and I thought Alex was big. I think in the future I am going to be very over-towered with my two boys and James (seeing as he is 6ft3) best get looking for a pair of stilts seeing as I'm only 5ft!


  1. Wow! That's a growth spurt and a half! So glad to hear you're all doing well xxx

  2. That's brilliant! Glad to hear that he's doing so well. x

  3. Bit late but just wanted to say congratulations on your new arrival, who sounds like he is coming along nicely! Lovely to hear. xx


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