Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Mother's Day

Whilst some of you may have been spoilt with lovely lie ins and breakfast in bed on Sunday morning I was left to deal with the breakfast for the boys and usual nappy changing and feeding duties. James had worked 11 hours the day before (he works most days without much of a break) and didn't get in until nearly midnight. It was annoying because in some ways I was jealous of everybody else but on the other hand I knew he needed the rest after such a hard week.

I don't expect much on Mother's day, I don't really think it's about presents and materialistic things it's the little things that make it perfect. This year was the first year that Alex came home with a handmade card which I will treasure for years to come, I was impressed that he managed to trace over the letters to write Mum and he is getting so good at trying to write his name.

We had a lovely roast dinner at my parents house, nothing beats a parent's home cooked roast dinner in my opinion, my youngest brother had also made a delicious chocolate and cinnamon cake with Alex on Saturday which we had for pudding. James had to work at 4pm which is actually an hour later than usual so that was sort of a bonus. It was nice to spend some time with my Mum browsing around the shops to ourselves (well sort of, Sam was asleep in then buggy).

Next year I just hope James might make a little more effect in trying to make it feel more of a special day though, I know he works so hard for us and is often knackered, but I am knackered in a different way and just want that one day to feel a bit spoilt with a lie and breakfast or lunch. When he asked what was wrong (when I was stomping around the house with a 'face on' but saying "I'm fine" when he kept asking whilst playing the xbox...) and said I am always like this on Mother's Day I tried not to sound like a spoilt brat, but when he said "it's not my day to spoil you it's the boy's day to do it". The boys are 3 and 3 months...not sure they are quite capable of making breakfast for themselves or baking a cake or something, so I hope he gets his act together for next year, who knows!

I don't mean to moan but I was a little bit miffed! Still it was a lovely day and the first of being a Mum of two wonderful little boys :)


  1. Oh lovely - men are so silly sometimes.

    How about treating yourself to something? Even if it's a hot bubble bath with some chocolate or a glass of wine? Just something to make you feel a bit special :) because you are special! And you've done an amazing thing in the last few months - bringing another life into the world is tough and you deserve a treat!

    Hope you're ok xxx

    1. It's hard because I didn't want to have a go at him because he was quite rightly shattered but deep down I wanted to get him out of bed, get the boys fed and dressed and throw the xbox out the window haha. xxx

  2. I'd feel exactly the same and i'd probably a lot less quiet about it i'm afraid. This is only because I put a lot of thought into helping the chidlren make fathers day special as they are too young. I'm pleased you got a lovely handmade card because they are the best and roast dinners are my fav, you're right there! xxx

    1. I bit my tongue purely for the fact that he has worked without a break for so long, but I did give him some looks and very short angry answers! I was looking forward so much for my handmade card this year as it's the first year he's been at preschool xxx

  3. My husband isn't that great with Mother's Day. The first year he didn't do anything because I'm not his Mum. He learned his lesson and the next couple of years he bought me a card. This year I told him that I wanted him to help the children (1 and 4) make me a card and so I was presented with two drawings folded over to make a card! I also told him that some chocolates would be lovely but they never materialised!

    So I have decided that next year I am not going to say anything or complain but I am going to arrange it for myself. I'm going to buy myself a big box of chocolates and make a lovely cake for myself, decorate it beautifully, and tell him exactly how I want to spend the day. Definitely a bubble bath and lots of me time will be involved!

    1. Hah that first bit isn't exactly what James said too! Well he was half way there with the cards at least...!

      I did get a box of chocolates to be fair, and some flowers (but they were bought by his boss because he felt sorry that James hadn't bought me anything from the kids-so they were bitter sweet flowers really as they hadn't been chosen by anyone I know and James didn't agree with buying them)!

      That sounds like a good idea for next year, perhaps I will follow your lead! x

  4. I wonder how many mums went about feeling the same on mother's day?! My husband is working extremely hard at the moment so I knew that it would be a stretch him going out and getting a card or, maybe, some chocs. The little man had made a card in one of the playgroups we go to so I had given his daddy that, so I at least got a card. Morning came, hoped for cup of tea in bed - no, I ended up getting it. No card. When I demanded if I was getting one, he had to search around for the homemade card and scribbled on it. Not great. I went round a bit stroppy for the morning. We had a chat and he has taken on board that sometimes, it is nice to show that some thought has been put into making me feel special and valued. To be fair, he is good when he has the time - Valentine's Day I got a lovely necklace out of the blue - but these occasions don't come up much and I think we are right to ask for a bit of TLC. Great post. xx

    1. Oh no, it seems there should be a handbook about for how to treat Mum's on Mother's Day for some men then! It is hard when they are so busy with work to not get too fed up with them though isn't it! At least you got a lovely necklace for valentines :) x


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